Boho Chic

Controlled, clean, bohemian style. For a hippie-adjacent style that represents a life of freedom, it's just a bit ironic. But ever so classy.

white and brown patio umbrella
red patio umbrella
silhouette of body of water
body of water during sunset
person riding airplane photography
solar eclipse
green field under golden sky
silhouette of mountain during golden hour
lower angle photography of high rise building
silhouette of two person sitting during golden hour
low angle photography of building
aerial photo of people on seashore during daytime
parked van near mountain
photo of forest during golden hour
cumulus clouds taken during daytime
down-angle photography of sunlight piercing through leaves
brown mountain near trees low angle photograph
Person in red shirt in reflection of door window with lock and logo
white wooden boat on body of water
person sitting on boat while holding paper during daytime
orange sun behind clouds
cliff at daytime
boat on body of water
white petaled flowers
landscape photography of mountain
silhouette photography of man wearing cap
ocean waves hammering rock formation
silhouette of trees near seashore
group of people camping on grass field
calm ocean panoramic photography