
Instruments, guitars, pianos, anything that makes music

woman in white long sleeve shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
woman holding shake cup
people walking on street near red and white building during daytime
red cigars neon signage in the middle of brown room
women sitting beside table
clear glass jars close-up photography
red and white car on road during daytime
close-up photography of chilled wine glass with clear beverage and slice of lemon
mug with full field of coffee inside
woman sits near table
clear glass bowl on brown wooden table
sliced cake on square ceramic plate beside of window
white and brown wooden chairs and table
two people standing in front of Cafe Crepe storefront
white and brown paper cup on white table
Thank You and Hello kanji script translation signage at the restaurant
brown wooden framed white and black wooden signage
person holding food on palm
four white metal mugs on brown wooden table
bun with sesame seeds
person sitting inside restaurant
man in black jacket walking on sidewalk during daytime
clear glass containers
3 women and 2 men sitting on brown wooden table
brown woven chair near brown wooden table